Breaking Body Biases

Sustainable Health Habits & Ditching Diet Culture with RD Jenna Waite - Ep 73

November 21, 2022 Christine DeFilippis

In this episode: Jenna Waite, RD. We talk about 

  • Her journey toward body acceptance
  • How to feel comfortable in your own skin in a fatphobic world
  • Why focusing on your weight is bad for your health 
  • How to create healthy habits without diet culture coming along        

Jenna has been a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist since 2007. She’s also a mother of 5 and host of the Finding True Health podcast. 

Jenna loves helping fellow moms feel better and have more energy by eating intuitively and creating simple, sustainable habits designed around their individual lives and preferences. 

She wants all women to experience the joy of ditching diet mentality and feeling in control around food. Jenna also dreams of a world free of weight stigma, body objectification, and messages that tell women they must look a certain way to be healthy, worthy, respected, and loved.




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